Support PSSI
As the Institute is expanding its activities and regional outreach, we would welcome your support for these efforts.
Tax deductible contributions from the U.S. can be made to PSSI through the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, 1201 L Street, NW, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20005. Our primary contact at the Foundation is Mr. Bradley Lips, Chief Executive Officer (e-mail: brad.lips at, tel. +12024498449 )
Such donations can also be directed to the Institute’s tax-exempt partner organization, PSSI Washington, 1002 Wisconsin Ave, Townhouse Levels 3 & 4, Washington, DC 20007.
Our direct PSSI Account is located at the Komerční banka, a.s. , Na Příkopě 33, 11407 Prague 1, Czech Republic
IBAN CZ7401000000512281850237
Our contact points in Prague: Mrs. Jana Robinson (e-mail: jrobinson at and Ms. Kristína Sikoraiová (e-mail: sikoraiova at, tel.+420 773 929 823).