
Regional Security Program // Kristína Šefčíková, Alena Zikmundová, Roman Číhalík / 31 Mar 2022
Disinformation and Brand Safety: The Approach of the Czech Private Sector
Most private companies are not aware of the role advertising revenue plays in the continuing activity of websites spreading disinformation. Moreover, many brands advertise their products on disinformation sites through programmatic purchases and online auctions without knowing about it or they are not aware that they can influence where their advertising appears in the online space.

Economic & Financial Statecraft Program // / 14 Mar 2022
Banks, Special Interests, and Communist Comrades: the International Investment Bank’s Modus Operandi in Central-Eastern Europe
This analysis of the IIB’s economic and political activity in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, and Hungary revealed some of the Kremlin’s top priorities for the bank aimed at projecting power from within the EU to the Balkans, the Eurasian Economic Union and the global stage.

Regional Security Program // Kristína Šefčíková / 24 Feb 2022
Zelená dohoda pro Evropu na české dezinformační scéně
Zelená dohoda pro Evropu se stává významným tématem na české dezinformační scéně jako jedna z linií kritiky Evropské unie. Výzkumníci PSSI monitorovali weby známé šířením dezinformací a způsob, jakým přistupovaly k tématu Zelené dohody a klimatické změny před českými parlamentními volbami 2021 a jaké změny nastaly v jejich přístupu po volbách.

Economic & Financial Statecraft Program // Zack Kramer / 18 Feb 2022
PSSI Perspective #17 - The Case for Investment Bans Against 2014-Sanctioned Russian Companies and Sovereign Bonds
PSSI Perspective #17 discusses the lack of active allied planning for capital markets sanctions against Russia's most prominent publicly traded companies in allied markets.

Regional Security Program // Kristína Šefčíková / 10 Feb 2022
PSSI Perspective #16 - The New Czech Government in Pro-Kremlin Media: A Case Study of Sputnik CZ
Researchers from Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) monitored the website Sputnik CZ in the period from October to December 2021 to map how it reflected the formation of the new Czech government.

Space Security Program // Dr. Jana Robinson, Patrik Martínek, Jakub Pražák and Kristína Sikoraiová / 28 Jan 2022
Strategic Competition for International Space Partnerships and Key Principles for a Sustainable Global Space Economy
PSSI’s report on how the space domain, a major component of national political, economic, and military power, has now taken center stage in the competition among the major space powers and aspirant nations.

Regional Security Program // Kristína Šefčíková / 24 Jan 2022
PSSI Perspective #15: Pandora Papers - novinářská praxe a integrita ve střetu s alternativními médii
Kauza Pandora Papers, týkající se i nyní již bývalého českého premiéra Andreje Babiše, rozvířila v říjnu 2021 český informační prostor, zatímco se země připravovala na parlamentní volby.

Economic & Financial Statecraft Program // Zack Kramer, Zuzana Krulichová, Simone Neads / 21 Jan 2022
The Impact of the International Investment Bank in the Czech Republic
There are multiple security concerns surrounding the Russian-led International Investment Bank, IIB. These include a lack of transparency and accountability, suspected ties to Russian intelligence and fiduciary malfeasance. This investigative report looks at the investments that have been made by the Bank within the Czech Republic and challenges those claims made by the Bank that it has positively advanced the Czech industry. In offering a history of the Bank's activity in the Czech Republic, it is worth noting that it is marked by a pattern of corruption and mismanagement.

Regional Security Program // Jonáš Syrovátka, Kristína Šefčíková / 7 Dec 2021
Czech Parliamentary Elections 2021 Report
PSSI has published its report on the 2021 Czech parliamentary elections, continuing its project series "Czech Elections in the Era of Disinformation".

Economic & Financial Statecraft Program // Zachary Kramer, Prague Security Studies Institute / 3 Nov 2021
PSSI Perspective #14: Imposing Capital Market Sanctions Against Chinese and Russian Enterprises Poised to Underwrite the Taliban
PSSI Perspective #14 discusses how the EU and the US can use capital market sanctions to prevent Chinese and Russian firms from financially underwriting the Taliban regime.