
České volby v éře dezinformací Prezidentské volby 2023 (představení projektu) Coverpage

Volby a předvolební kampaně představují úrodnou půdu pro manipulativní diskurz a dezinformace o kandidujících subjektech i o volbách jako takových. 

European Green Deal on Czech Facebook Lessons Learned for Strategic CommunicationCoverpage2
The Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI), in cooperation with its partners from the International Republican Institute’s (IRI) Beacon Project, monitored the Czech debate concerning the European Green Deal on Facebook in the period 20 April – 20 September 2022. 
PSSI_perspectives_22 Coverpage

Space Security Program // Dr. Jana Robinson, František Avrat, Kristína Sikoraiová, Patrik Martínek / 3 Oct 2022

PSSI Perspective #22: The Importance of Public-Private Sector Space Partnerships for the Czech Republic

Over the last few years, the availability of space systems and related data, products, and services has increased significantly. Developed countries have become largely dependent on space for both socioeconomic development and defense and security needs. In this context, this perspective describes why it is necessary for the Czech government to support the Czech private space sector.

PSSI Perspective #21

An interview with a renowned Bosnian journalist and professor of philosophy from Banja Luka, who visited Prague this May and shared his views on the latest security issues in the region.

European Green Deal on Czech Facebook June 2022

The Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI), in cooperation with partners from International Republican Institute’s Beacon Project, is monitoring the public debate about the European Green Deal in the Czech online space in the upcoming months. The monitoring covers political messaging about the Green Deal and its penetration of outlets such as news websites and Facebook groups. It will be complemented by regular analysis of the strategic communication of state institutions and stakeholders with green agenda and their efforts to counter Green Deal related disinformation and manipulative narratives.

PSSI Perspective #20

Na mediální scéně střední a východní Evropy působí tzv. „šedá zóna“, která se snaží ovlivnit veřejný názor a předvolební politické kampaně prostřednictvím jednostranné, někdy až extremistické, politické komunikace. Tato komunikace je často jen zdánlivě nezávislá nebo anonymní, ve skutečnosti ale využívá prostředky konspiračních teorií a ignoruje standardy etického žurnalismu.

Bucha Massacre Narrated Through the Eyes of Pro-Kremlin Media Coverpage

As part of a project on ‘New Propaganda and Disinformation Challenges for Visegrad/EaP states in the Changing Environment’, Prague Security Studies Institute’s (PSSI) researchers monitored Sputnik’s section on ‘Demilitarization and Denazification of Ukraine’. The focus was specifically on articles reporting on the ‘Bucha Massacre’ in order to illustrate how Russian state-owned media report the atrocities committed by the Russian Federation’s army. 

PoliticalCapital Grey_Zone_CZ Coverpage

Regional Security Program // Political Capital Institute, Prague Security Studies Institute / 27 May 2022

From Anti-Vaccination to Kremlin's Proxy

In Central-Eastern Europe, a so-called “grey zone” has emerged in the media, which tries to influence public opinion and pre-election political campaigns through hyper-partisan and sometimes even extremist – often anonymous or only seemingly “independent” – political communication, utilising conspiracy theories and ignoring the standards of ethical journalism. Our media research in the Czech Republic has, therefore, looked at the Czech political campaign communication between 1 September and 31 October 2021 to map and reveal the Czech “grey zone” media ecosystem, its role in the “dirty campaign,” and the war-related rhetoric later in 2022.

The Russia-Ukraine War in Social Media

PSSI, in cooperation with Political Capital, researched the prevalence and effects of inauthentic online behavior concerning Russia’s war in Ukraine between 21 February and 31 March.

The Onset of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Through the Eyes of ProKremlin Media Coverpage Perspective

The onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine was widely medialized by both mainstream as well as alternative media channels, including websites spreading disinformation. Following the start of the Russian aggression, many unprecedented steps have been taken to fight the spread of disinformation, which has become a top concern for policy decision-makers as well as the public. Therefore, PSSI has analyzed the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine through the eyes of one of the most well-known pro-Kremlin media in the Czech Republic: Sputnik CZ.