

PSSI’s Space Security Program Director, Dr. Jana Robinson, contributed as an editor to the second edition of the Handbook of Space Security by Springer Publishing International. Her chapter introduction, entitled “Space Security Policies and Strategies of States”, was released in June 2020. (link available here)

How Disinformation Impacts Private Companies

There are various actors creating and disseminating disinformation targeting businesses. These actors broadly fit into three categories: trolls, profiteers, and foreign flags.

Dezinformace jako Byznys Cover Photo

Regional Security Program // Jonáš SyrovátkaJonáš Syrovátka, Julie Vinklová, Lindsay Wojtula a Alena Zikmundová / 31 Mar 2020

Studie Dezinformace jako Byznys

Dezinformace mohou kromě společenského problému představovat i lákavý byznys. Jeden z hlavních způsobů monetizace představuje poskytování prostoru pro reklamu na problematických webech. Firmy, které reklamu platí, často ani neví, kde se objevuje. Kromě neefektivně vynaložených marketingových rozpočtů ale riskují i poškození značky.

Building up a new nuclear unit or reconstructing an existing one is a project carrying national security implications. In a series of blog posts, we will be having a closer look at specific recent projects.

Blogpost introducing the initiative Fair Advertising warning private companies that their advertisement appeared on websites spreading conspiracy theories.

Most businesses are not well acquainted with where their advertisements appear. A growing number of initiatives are opening a public debate about ethical advertising and the monetization of hate and fear content.
New Cyber Security Study

Security Scholars Program // Berta Jarošová, Tomáš Koutský & Ondřej Černý / 15 Jan 2020

(Cyber) Security and Financial Sector in the Czech Republic

The Prague Security Studies Institute has published a new study focusing on cyber security in the financial sector.

Strategic communication in Czech Republic and Poland..

Regional Security Program // Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) and Center for Propaganda and Disinformation Analysis (CAPD) / 5 Jan 2020

Strategic Communication in Czech Republic and Poland: Comparison of Perspectives and Practices

In a world characterised by the decline of traditional media and the expansion of social networks, strategic communication is an invaluable tool for building trust between citizens and state institutions. 


Space Security Program // Jana Robinson Ph.D, Roger W. Robinson Jr., Andrew K. Davenport, Tereza B. Kupková, Patrik Martínek, Samuel A. Emmerling, Angela Marzorati / 16 Jun 2019

State Actor Strategies in Attracting Space Sector Partnerships: Chinese and Russian Economic and Financial Footprints

This is the executive summary of the document that tracks and visually maps, as well as analyses space-related transactions of China and Russia globally over a number of years. It concludes that these two countries have been pro-actively seeking international space partnerships that are, however, often uneven, potentially exposing countries to a phenomenon that PSSI terms ‘space sector capture’.
Ceske Volby v ere dezinfo

Regional Security Program // Jonáš Syrovátka, Filip Lukáš, Nikos Štěpánek (PSSI) / 1 Jun 2019

European Elections 2019

The results of the fourth round of the project "Czech election in the era of disinformation" that was focused on the European elections 2019.