

This new addition to the PSSI Perspectives goes over the 5G technology supplier selection in Germany. Unlike many other European countries, Germany has not yet decided whether it would allow Chinese companies to build the 5G networks. It is a pressing issue dividing the government coalition that should be resolved this month of November. This Perspective presents the current regulation, key actors and their standing on the issue.

‘Our brothers’, ‘our saviours’ The importance of Chinese investment for the Serbian government’s narrative of economic rebound Coverphoto

The study analyses how the ruling party in Serbia has used the country’s increasing economic cooperation with non-Western powers to promote its own ‘winning’ narrative. The author brings new insights into how the Serbian leadership has used the topic of economic renaissance in relation to a narrative depicting economic salvation by foreign friends coming to the rescue to further its political power. It is shown that this role, initially played by the United Arab Emirates, was assumed by China in the second part of the 2010s.

PSSI PERSPECTIVES #3 - International Investment Bank Report

The Prague Security Studies Institute continues its PSSI Perspectives series of regular short memos on select security-related topics. 


Regional Security Program // Jonáš Syrovátka, Šimon Pinkas, Prague Security Studies Institut / 2 Oct 2020

PSSI Perspectives #2 - Infodemic and Disinformation

The Prague Security Studies Institute continues its PSSI Perspectives, regular short memos on select security-related topics. 


Dr. Jana Robinson’s article “Arctic Space Challenge for NATO Emerging from China’s Economic and Financial Assertiveness” was published in the 30th edition of the Journal of the Joint Air Power Competence Centre. 

Covid-19 Raises Geopolitical Stakes in the Balkans Coverphoto

The paper assesses the impact of COVID-19 on different external influences, which have already been steadily increasing in recent years, in the six Western Balkan countries. It offers insights into different forms and levels of engagement by Russia, China, Turkey as well as the US and the EU, establishing a better understanding of their agendas and strategies, and also providing data for future research on and analyses of this topic.

The Western Balkans Between the EU and a Hard Place Coverphoto

The paper identifies and analyses opportunities and challenges, which the EU is facing in the region as it tries to regain its leverage there. It starts from the oft-repeated premise that of all foreign actors, only the EU has the capacity to gradually stabilize and normalize the Balkans, examines the roots of the acute misunderstanding and miscommunication between EU and Balkan officials and outlines possible recommendations that could help the EU in tackling Balkan challenges.

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 23.01.28

Regional Security Program // Barbora Chrzová, Petr Čermák, Prague Security Studies Institute / 31 Aug 2020

PSSI Perspectives #1 - China in the Western Balkans

The Prague Security Studies Institute introduces PSSI Perspectives. These will be regular short memos on select security-related topics, including breaking developments affecting Czech and regional security, Chinese and Russian business transactions or projects of strategic and/or security concern, and the attraction of U.S. and European capital and investments by corporate “bad actors” of adversary states.


In an August 10 report, PSSI critiques the five recommendations of the U.S. Presidential Working Group on Financial Markets addressing risk-related concerns regarding China. 


Regional Security Program // Jonáš Syrovátka, Šimon Pinkas, Adam Novák a Dominika Urhová / 1 Aug 2020

Case Study of Disinformation Related to Coronavirus

Societies in crises tend to be more suspicious, confused and susceptible to false stories. In this regard, the current Coronavirus pandemic represents a tremendous challenge. The governments are confronted with tackling not only COVID-19 impact on the public health, but also on the information space where disinformation and misinformation has already caused a lot of confusion in an already critical situation.