PSSI in Media
14 Sep 2018
Jana Robinson quoted in an article about the annual Advanced Maui Optical and Surveillance (AMOS) Technologies Conference by The Maui News
The Maui News
4 Sep 2018
Jonas Syrovatka's opinion piece about the strategic communication following the deaths of Czech soldiers in Afghanistan published in Armadni noviny (in Czech)
Armadni noviny
9 Aug 2018
PSSI provided data for's article about Sputnik's strategy in the Czech Republic (in Czech)
2 Aug 2018
PSSI's program director Petr Lang commented on Huawei's move to apply for a security clearance in the Czech Republic
Daily Beast
23 Jun 2018
Jonas Syrovatka quoted in an article about the current Czech attitude towards Russia in Handelsblatt (in German)
20 Jun 2018
Jonas Syrovatka quoted in an article about communist politicians spreading disinformation (in Czech)
10 May 2018
Jonas Syrovatka talked about the Czech disinformation website Aeronet on the national television (in Czech)
Czech TV
28 Mar 2018
Jonas Syrovatka takes a look back at the Czech presidential election in order to assess the major themes of disinformation, their spread, and their possible influence on the outcome of the elections (in English)
Transitions Online
23 Mar 2018
Petr Lang quoted in an article about the possibilities of screening Chinese and Russian investments (in Czech)
16 Mar 2018