Economic Relations Between the Visegrad Countries and Russia: Before and After Ukraine
Given the turbulent relations between the West and Russia that soured over Ukraine, together with Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID), Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding (CPRDiP), the aim of this project is to undertake a thorough research on the state of economic relations between Russia and the individual Visegrad countries. Firstly, it seeks to highlight possible changes and continuities in light of the conflict in Ukraine. Secondly, it will fill a gap in having more clear understanding of energy dependencies, industrial hubs, and other trade linkages between the respective countries. Lastly, the project will assess Visegrad countries' bilateral instruments to foster economic cooperation with Russia and shed light on the extent to which economic ties can affect political decision-making.
Read the final publication :
Harsh expectations versus a modest reality
Throughout the project, a series of blog posts was created in national languages.
Blogs in English
The Russian-Ukrainian war’s imprint on Polish-Russian trade (by CPRDiP)
The impact of Russian sanctions on the Polish agri-food sector (by CPRDiP)
Political and social perception of sanctions (by CPRDiP)
Polish-Russian energy relations following the aggression against Ukraine – part 1 (by CPRDiP)
Polish-Russian energy relations following the aggression against Ukraine – part 2 (by CPRDiP)
Will Czech Dukovany nuclear plant be built by Russia? (by PSSI)
Blogs in Czech
Vývoj česko-ruských obchodních vztahů na pozadí ukrajinského konfliktu (by PSSI)
Přestože válka na východě Ukrajiny stále trvá, česko-ruská Mezivládní komise pro hospodářskou, průmyslovou a vědeckotechnickou spolupráci loni obnovila svou činnost (by PSSI)
Ruské potravinové embargo a jeho dopad pro Českou republiku (by PSSI)
Zrychlují se přípravy na vypsání nového tendru v oblasti jaderné ekonomiky - máme se bát, že bude Dukovany stavět Rosatom? (by PSSI)
RČSOK – advokát ruského byznysu v České republice (by PSSI)
Nord Stream 2: Sophiina volba pro českou zahraniční politiku (by PSSI)
Blogs in Slovak
Ilúzia závislosti od Ruska (SFPA)
Kde je dnes Nord Stream 2? (SFPA)
Štvrtý nesplnený sen (SFPA)
Blogs in Polish
Wpływ wojny rosyjsko-ukraińskiej na polsko-rosyjskie stosunki handlowe(by CPRDiP)
Wpływ rosyjskich sankcji na polski sektor rolno-spożywczy (by CPRDiP)
Polityczny i społeczny odbiór sankcji (by CPRDiP)
Mechanizmy instytucjonalne w polsko-rosyjskich relacjach gospodarczych (by CPRDiP)
Relacje energetyczne między Polską i Rosją po agresji na Ukrainę - część 1 (by CPRDiP)
Relacje energetyczne między Polską i Rosją po agresji na Ukrainę - część 2 (by CPRDiP)
Blogs in Hungarian
Oroszország és a szankciók – van-e visszaút? (by CEID)
Four roundtables were organized in the V4 capitals in the course of the project.
In February, PSSI and Slovak Foreign Policy Association organized a roundtable on Russian influence in Central Europe in Bratislava.
In April, PSSI and Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy co-organized a closed-door roundtable in Budapest that presented preliminary findings of the project.
In April, PSSI, Centrum Polsko-Rosyjskiego Dialogu i Porozumienia and Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych co-organized a third closed-door roundtable, in Warsaw, that presented the progress made in the project. It focused on economic relations between Russia and individual V4 countries.
The final roundtable was organized by PSSI in Prague in May. Four speakers from Visegrad countries presented the findings in the project. Presentations were followed by lively discussions with all participants.
PSSI also held a public discussion "Russia's leverage in Central Europe: Similarities & Differences" in Café Kampa, Prague.
This project is supported by the International Visegrad Fund. It will be realized between September 2016 and July 2017. Brainstorming session with project partners related to research methodology and timetable of activities took place on 21st September at the PSSI premises.