Regional Security Program //PSSI/27 Jun 2023
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Geopolitical Strife Fuels Local, Regional Crises
Over the past decade, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been facing a major crisis stemming from growing internal political divisions. The steady weakening of the EU presence in the Balkans in recent years has made BiH even more vulnerable to the influences of the two main regional power centers – Belgrade and Zagreb – as well as other geopolitical actors, especially the USA, Russia, Türkiye, and China, as well as Iran and the Arab States of the Persian Gulf.
Regional Security Program //PSSI/20 Jun 2023
Organizational and Financial Background of Disinformation Actors in the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic’s disinformation scene consisted mainly of alternative online outlets spreading disinformation and conspiracies in the past, roughly until the Covid-19 pandemic. They were mostly non-transparent, by default hiding and obfuscating their ownership structure, contributors, and financing. However, this scene has diversified significantly in recent years due to the pandemic, the war in Ukraine and domestic political and economic developments. It now also consists of civil movements of "freedom fighters," influencers, celebrities, far-right/left politicians and individuals who began to engage in the disinformation discourse for their personal interest, for example to cover their debts or enter politics.
Regional Security Program //PSSI/19 Jun 2023
Albania amidst the External Actors’ Influence. The Open Balkan initiative: A Russian Trojan Horse or a faster approach to Regional Cooperation?
Albania has found itself in the middle of the political “chessboard” created by the most influential external actors after the EU and the USA, namely, Russia, China, Türkiye, and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf. The study explores Albania’s multifaceted attitudes within the context of the dynamics in the Western Balkans and sheds light on how the Open Balkan (OB) initiative has shaped relations among the Western Balkan countries.
Cyber Security Academy (CSA) 2023 je intenzivní týdenní kurz pořádaný předním bezpečnostním think tankem Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) ve spolupráci s Národním úřadem pro kybernetickou a informační bezpečnost (NÚKIB).
Security Scholars Program //PSSI/12 Jun 2023
Call for Applications: Robinson-Martin Security Scholars Academy 2023/2024
Jste studenty magisterského oboru nebo právě začínáte svou kariéru a chcete se lépe zorientovat v oblasti mezinárodní bezpečnosti? Přihlaste se na prestižní Robinson-Martin Security Scholars Academy (RMSSA) 2023/2024 a diskutujte s nejlepšími profesionály v oboru!
Regional Security Program //PSSI/6 Jun 2023
Vulnerable Democracies: The Effect of Foreign Influence on the Political and Social Life in North Macedonia
This study analyses the effects of foreign influence on political and social life in North Macedonia, focusing on the impact of the prolonged EU integration process, as opposed to the influence excreted by non-western actors, particularly Russia, China, Türkiye, and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf.
Regional Security Program //PSSI/2 Jun 2023
Understanding the Key Players and Influence of External Actors in Kosovo
This study analyses the external influence in Kosovo and how these influences manifest in the political, economic, and social realms. The report contends that the historical context in which Kosovo emerged as a state has determined how external influence is perceived in the country.
Regional Security Program //PSSI/30 May 2023
The West is Dear, but the East is Dearer: Policy Pressures and Actors’ Preferences in Serbia
This policy paper investigates the influence of Russia, China, Turkey, and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf on the process of (in)stability, including democratization, in Serbia from 2008 to 2022.
Regional Security Program //PSSI/24 May 2023
Croatia: A Stable Western Ally and a Playground of External Contestation
Croatia is a committed member of the EU and NATO and a stable ally of the United States in the region. Yet, it has been experiencing illiberal tendencies since becoming an EU member, marked by widespread corruption and a weakening of independent institutions which should control the executive.
Space Security Program //PSSI/18 May 2023
PSSI's Space Security Program Project Coordinator Frantisek Avrat attended traineeships in Washington, DC
Our Space Security Program Project Coordinator, František Avrat was nominated by Adam Hayes from the U.S. Department of State to attend two intense traineeships in Washington, DC, on May 1-5, 2023.