
Doporučení pro účinné sankce proti Ruské federaci

Od února 2022 Evropská unie úspěšně zavedla deset balíčků sankcí proti Ruské federaci s cílem omezit financování a zajišťování zdrojů pro její vojenské kapacity. Pro zajištění účinného sankčního režimu je zásadní vyhodnocovat výsledky, kterých členské státy dosáhly při provádění těchto sankcí, aby byl dosažen jejich maximální dopad. S tímto účelem byla založena síť organizací pro analýzu a monitorování evropských sankcí a nezákonného financování SIFMANet, ktorou súčasťou je aj Prague Security Studies Institute.

EU Faces a Momentous Choice.

Prague Security Studies Institute welcomes the EU's proposal to ban products associated with forced labor practices but believes the range should be significantly expanded. The Institute advocates for including products and companies from offending nations, specifically China, and calls for a complete ban on corporate offenders from entering or conducting business with EU countries. Additionally, PSSI emphasizes the need to prevent publicly traded companies linked to forced labor from trading securities or raising funds in European capital markets.

Rorer Robinson Jr. at the CPA 2023 Annual Conference

"When you talk about Chinese corporate bad actors, they're still operating with impunity," says PSSI Chairman Roger W. Robinson Jr. at the Coalition for a Prosperous America's (CPA) 2023 Annual Conference.

Mike Gallagher

It's time to stop pouring money into "suspect Chinese companies," says the rep. Mike Gallagher in an interview with Fox Business's anchor, Maria Bartiromo. Wisconsin congressman mentions PSSI's Chairman Roger Robinson Jr. while discussing China's rising aggression.

Hostile Narrative Brief_ War in Ukraine
February 24, 2023 marked one year since the start of the unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. These events have been accompanied by attempts to undermine support among Ukraine’s allies by spreading disinformation, conspiracy theories and generally, hostile narratives towards Ukraine exploiting socially contentious issues. 
hostile narrative_slovakia

February 24, 2023 marked one year since the start of the unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. These events have been accompanied by attempts to undermine support among Ukraine’s allies by spreading disinformation, conspiracy theories and generally, hostile narratives towards Ukraine exploiting socially contentious issues.

2023 NATO Summer School

Advance your career prospects this summer with our prestigious NATO Summer School, organized in cooperation with NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. 

William P. Clark Ph.D. Scholarship in Space Security

The Prague Security Studies Institute provides a unique opportunity in collaboration with Charles University for a student interested in researching space security and infrastructure.

Hostile Narratine Brief
Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, PSSI in cooperation with IRI's Beacon Project monitored narratives around topics of Ukrainian refugees, sanctions, energy security, and NATO in the CEE media environment and beyond. Together with local experts in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania and Poland we analyzed over 23 million articles & posts to find actors disseminating content that has the potential to undermine support for Ukraine by exploiting socially contentious issues.
Dzeneta book promotion

On Monday, February 27, 2023 the PSSI Regional Security Program’s Western Balkans team Markéta Slavková, Anja and Tamara Grabovac attended the presentation of a newly issued book titled: "Bosnian Studies: Perspectives from an Emerging Field". The book was edited by Dženeta Karabegović and by Adna Karamehić-Oates.