
Shoda bez koordinace: Výzvy české strategické komunikace

Regional Security Program //Natália Tkáčová, Prague Security Studies Institute/14 Dec 2023

Shoda bez koordinace: Výzvy české strategické komunikace

V době rychlých změn hraje strategická komunikace státu zásadní roli, a v posledních letech také v důsledků sledu krizových událostí, ztráty důvěry ve stát a vlivu zahraničních aktérů. Zatímco pozitivní shoda o důležitosti strategické komunikace napříč spektrem zúčastněných stran existuje, právní a institucionální rámec zatím postrádá koordinaci, zdroje a národní koncepční dokument. Vláda, a to včetně civilní části státních služeb, prokázala v tomto směru značné úsilí, včetně zřizování oddělení strategické komunikace a různých informačních kampaní. I přesto přetrvávají problémy spojené s nedostatečnou integrací a spoléhání se spíše na reaktivní strategie bojující proti zranitelnosti vůči domácím i zahraničním vlivům. Vláda se s efektivní komunikací potýkala během různých krizí, a to zejména při událostech jako pandemie COVID-19, válka na Ukrajině a související energetická krize. Tyto případy nám ukázaly nedostatky ve vládní koordinaci a zdůraznily naléhavou potřebu soudržnější strategie. Přestože existují překážky, shoda, zapojení občanské společnosti a inovativní přístupy naznačují potenciál pro budoucí rozvoj strategické komunikace.


Roger W. Robinson Tech Freedom Award

Chairman and Co-Founder of the Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI), Roger W. Robinson Jr., was recently honored by the Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue for his remarkable efforts in safeguarding freedom through trusted technology. The prestigious Tech Freedom Award, presented annually to individuals embodying trust principles and democratic values, acknowledged Mr. Robinson's significant contributions to countering techno-authoritarian threats.

Assesment of Strategic Communication Structures and Capabilities in the Czech Republic

The primary goals of strategic communication comprise from both an informative role for domestic and international audiences regarding the nation’s values, identity, capabilities, and actions, as well as a strategic security aspect to monitor, analyze, and respond to international political developments to enhance the nation’s position and avert potentially destabilizing actions from adversaries.

Assesment of Slovak Strategic Communication Structures and Capabilities

Slovakia finds itself grappling with a number of consecutive crises that extend beyond the bounds of the health system, geopolitics, and energy issues. The overarching political instability in the region, compounded by the enduring challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ukraine war, and energy concerns, was exacerbated by an internal political crisis that led to the fall of the Slovak government in December 2022 and subsequent snap election that took place recently. The political instability, accompanied by decades-long corruption, created a corrosive effect of alarmingly low trust in government institutions, media, and even democracy. These issues have created a particularly challenging environment for strategic communication. As a consequence, the impact of governmental communication on its priority issue areas has, so far, been minimal, despite the development of strategic communication units and initiatives under a national conceptual framework.

Members of PSSI’s Space Security Team attended the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference in Brussels

On 4-5 December 2023, PSSI’s Space Security Team Project Coordinator Kristina Sikoraiova and Intern Ilenia Bruseghello attended the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference in Brussels organized by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), on behalf of the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium.

EU Law

An article written by PSSI's Managing Director, Dr. Jana Robinson, titled "Security Dimensions of Space Economics and Finance," has been published in the EU Law Live Weekend edition.


PSSI is pleased to release the video recording of our Second PSSI Roundtable on s Indo-Pacific Space Security Partnerships, which took place on November 27, 2023.

Prague Security Studies Institute Vacancy Announcement: Communications Manager

The Prague Security Studies Institute is looking for a Communications Manager to implement and further enhance the Institute's communications strategy to ensure proper visibility and outreach of PSSI's programmatic activities.

Prague Security Studies Institute Vacancy Announcement: Office Manager

The Prague Security Studies Institute is looking for an Office Manager to join its existing team.


Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) organized the Second PSSI Roundtable on Space Security Partnerships, which focused on the Indo-Pacific region in the context of the new global space race.