
Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 15.11.21

Slovenský informačný priestor je čoraz viac zaplavovaný dezinformáciami a manipuláciami. Veľkou motiváciou pre šírenie problematického obsahu môže byť vidina zisku. V tejto súvislosti sa často používa aj označenie obchod so strachom. 

PSSI Perspective

Stále častěji se v médiích setkáváme s pojmem obchodníci se strachem. Jde o lidi, kterým jde o finanční zisk a pro dosažení svého cíle se nebojí využívat dezinformace. Jejich cíle se také běžně spojují s politickými ambicemi nebo touhou po pozornosti. Ve své komunikaci se proto spoléhají na dezinformace a zavádějící praktiky, které v lidech vyvolávají silné emoce, především strach a nenávist. Tyto praktiky využívají jako zkratku k co největší pozornosti, klikům – a co je hlavní, k penězům.



Dr. Jana Robinson, PSSI’s Managing Director, discussed the issue of Chinese PLA-tied companies in NASA’s global procurement network as well as Western suppliers with links to Chinese corporate bad actors, at the Coalition for Prosperous America’s (CPA) annual conference


An alarming report by the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) reveals disturbing entanglement between Wall Street and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The report highlights how leading financial institutions in the United States have formed partnerships with state-controlled banks in China, thereby becoming intertwined with, and increasingly beholden to, China's economic and geopolitical agenda. Following CPA’s recently-published report on Vanguard, this latest publication is centered on BlackRock. These two American asset management firms, put together, manage over 17 trillion USD in assets, with BlackRock individually responsible for 10 trillion.



A recent episode of the War in Space podcast of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) with Dr. Jana Robinson, Managing Director of the Prague Security Studies Institute, delves into the issues of “ground-based space race” and “space sector capture”, and explains why economic & financial statecraft is a crucial part of space security. The podcast is hosted by Juliana Suess, RUSI Research Fellow for Space and Security.


The Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) plans to hold its 7th Prague Space Security Conference since the inception of its Space Security Program in 2010. Entitled “Forging Strategic Partnerships in the Global Space Race”, it will be held on 16-18 June 2024, in Prague, Czech Republic.

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Advance your career prospects this summer with our prestigious NATO Summer School (in its 19th year), an intensive one-week course that brings together a select group of graduate students and young professionals seeking to deepen their expertise with regard to the current threat environment and available policy options. 

The course consists of fifteen lectures by Czech and foreign security experts, including senior policy practitioners and scholars (both civil and military). Additionally, participants take part in a week-long international crisis simulation based on ongoing or realistic geopolitical circumstances.  

Application Form


Q: What is the NATO Summer School?

A: The NATO Summer School is a prestigious one-week intensive course designed for graduate students and young professionals interested in advancing their understanding of national security, of the threat environment for NATO member states and the policy options available. It features lectures from Czech and foreign security experts and a week-long international crisis simulation.


Mark your calendars as we can finally share the dates for NATO Summer School 2024, titled "NATO Under Authoritarian Assault." Join us between July 28 and August 3. More info coming soon!