

The Prague Security Studies Institute’s next PSSI Perspective looks at the nexus of disinformation and online advertising.

Roger Robinson

Mr. Roger Robinson, Executive Director, Board Chairman at Prague Security Studies Institute, spoke at the Economic Security panel of the Baltic Sea Security Conference, organized by the Baltic Security Foundation.

Dezinformace jako byznes Perspektivy Stakeholderu a cesty reseni Coverpage

Regional Security Program //Jonáš Syrovátka, Alena Zikmundová, Šimon Pinkas, Vanessa Maderová/15 Dec 2020

New Study on Ways to Tackle Online Advertisement on Platforms Spreading Disinformation

In a previous study PSSI researchers outlined how disinformation works as a lucrative business for various media platforms. One of their most significant sources of revenue is online advertisement. Fortunately, PR agencies and private companies are increasingly aware of this problem.

PSSI #5 Perspective Cover Page

This new addition to the PSSI perspectives reacts to the suspension of Jack Ma’s Ant Financial Group on the Chinese Stock Exchanges, on November 3rd, 2020. Drawing on groundbreaking research conducted by our partner RWR Advisory Group, this perspective provides unique insights into the motivations behind the suspension, and, beyond, it offers a forensic analysis which exposes Ant Group’s reprehensible character.

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SpaceWatch.Global is hosting its inaugural Space Café Summit to debate recent trends in space security. 

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A new PSSI study based on data gathered from the research project “Voices of Central and Eastern Europe” aims to describe profiles, attitudes and values of those Czech citizens who believe in conspiracy theories.

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Disinformation continues to be one of the greatest challenges the Western democracies currently face, testing their integrity, cohesion and resilience. With social networks representing an important medium when it comes to their spreading, it is important to understand how exactly disinformation manifests itself  when it comes to the way it circulates on the network and influences its users.

War and Peace in Outer Space Coverphoto

PSSI’s Article entitled “Prominent Security Threats Stemming from Space Hybrid Operations” in “War and Peace in Outer Space” Publication by Oxford University Press Now Available for Purchase


This new addition to the PSSI Perspectives goes over the 5G technology supplier selection in Germany. Unlike many other European countries, Germany has not yet decided whether it would allow Chinese companies to build the 5G networks. It is a pressing issue dividing the government coalition that should be resolved this month of November. This Perspective presents the current regulation, key actors and their standing on the issue.

PSSI #3 Perspective - The International Investment Bank

The Prague Security Studies Institute continues its PSSI Perspectives, regular short memos on select security-related topics.