
Regional Security Program //Michaela Dvořáková, Jonáš Syrovátka/8 Jul 2021
PSSI Perspective #12 - Vrbětice: Case Study of Czech Resilience Against Hostile Propaganda
PSSI's latest Perspective discusses the spread of hostile propaganda within the Czech media space related to the revelation of Russian GRU involvement in the Vrbětice ammunition depot explosions in 2014, while also examining the Czech response and resilience to hostile propaganda.

Regional Security Program //PSSI/23 Jun 2021
Diskuze Jak chránit Evropský parlament před autoritářskými vlivy?
V dnešním globalizovaném světě k sobě mají světové mocnosti blíže než kdy dřív, a to především díky ekonomickým, kulturním a politickým vazbám. Toto propojení však může být lehce zneužito k prosazování vlastního vlivu uvnitř cizích států, o čemž se Evropská unie v posledních letech přesvědčila, protože se stala cílem vlivových operací autoritářské Číny a Ruska. Jakým způsobem tyto mocnosti svůj vliv v EU prosazují a do jaké míry mohou ovlivnit jednu z jejích nejdůležitějších institucí, Evropský Parlament?

Economic & Financial Statecraft Program //Zack Kramer/22 Jun 2021
PSSI Perspective #11 - Biden Administration Opts To Sustain and Strenghten Trump-era Capital Markets Sanctions on Chinese Corporate Bad Actors
PSSI’s latest Perspective examines the continuity and expansion of capital markets sanctions on Chinese military and other "bad actor" companies across the Trump and Biden administrations.

Economic & Financial Statecraft Program //PSSI/10 Jun 2021
PSSI Speaks to Fox Business on President Biden’s Executive order 14032
In an interview with Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo, PSSI Chairman and Co-Founder, Roger W. Robinson Jr., characterized capital markets sanctions as „arguably the most powerful and fearsome policy tool in America’s non-military arsenal.”

PSSI is looking for a Program Coordinator for our Security Scholars Program. He/she will be responsible, under the direction of PSSI’s Managing Director and Director of Operations, for the organization of our flagship course - the Robinson Martin Security Scholars Academy (RMSSA) - and other projects, including the Cyber Security Academy, NATO Summer School, PSSI’s partnership with the Charles University, and other events and activities.

Economic & Financial Statecraft Program //PSSI/7 Jun 2021
PSSI Speaks to Fox Business on Chinese Corporate "Bad Actors" in the US and Allied Capital Markets
In an interview with Fox Business’s anchor, Maria Bartiromo, PSSI Chairman and Co-Founder, Roger W. Robinson Jr., illuminates Chinese corporate "bad actors" in the US capital markets, including egregious human rights violators and what can be done about it.

Space Security Program //PSSI/2 Jun 2021
Dr. Jana Robinson's article on Chinese ‘High-Risk’ Corporate Space Actors Published by JAPCC
Dr. Jana Robinson’s article, entitled “Chinese ‘High-Risk’ Corporate Space Actors”, was published in the 2021 NATO JAPCC Joint Air and Space Power Conference 2021 Read Ahead.

Security Scholars Program //PSSI/26 May 2021
Záznam veřejné diskuze: Důsledky Vrbětic - jak reagovat na stupňování hybridního působení
PSSI uveřejnilo záznam veřejné diskuze "Důsledky Vrbětic - jak reagovat na stupňování hybridního působení", která proběhla 21. května 2021.

Space Security Program //PSSI/19 May 2021
India's Perspective on Space Security - PSSI Space Security Guest Lecture with Dr. Ajey Lele
Dr. Ajey Lele, a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) in New Delhi, delivered a guest lecture entitled “India's Perspective on Space Security” for students attending “Space Security in the 21st Century” course, part of PSSI/Charles University’s Master’s Degree Program in International Security Studies and the interested public.

Economic & Financial Statecraft Program //PSSI/13 May 2021
PSSI Released Frankfurt Report Summary Detailing its Key Findings
“Tens of millions of European retail investors are, for example, unwittingly helping fund Chinese companies enabling genocide and detention camps in Xinjiang as well as enterprises with ties to the People's Liberation Army". Our Frankfurt Report Summary details this and other key findings and recommendations from our recent report on Chinese Bad Actors’ presence on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.