PSSI is continuing its project series "Czech Elections in the Era of Disinformation" with a fifth round focused on the parliamentary elections of 2021. The research is focused primarily on interactions between conspiracy websites and political parties.
Regional Security Program //PSSI/24 Sep 2021
Dezinformační debata: Parlamentní volby 2021 - konspirace a komunikace politických stran
Parlamentní volby se blíží a česká veřejná debata se vyostřuje. V této situaci se daří dezinformacím, hoaxům a konspiracím poškozujícím jednotlivé kandidující subjekty. Zkušenosti z minulosti ukazují, že můžou mít dopad na volební výsledky.
Economic & Financial Statecraft Program //PSSI/23 Sep 2021
PSSI's Chairman Roger Robinson Jr. talked to Fox Business about China's Evergrande
"Evergrande is on its way into the pantheon of Chinese financial blunders," says PSSI Chairman Roger W. Robinson Jr. in an interview with Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo on September 21, 2021.
Regional Security Program //PSSI/17 Sep 2021
Czech Parliamentary Elections Dashboard
PSSI has launched the Czech Parliamentary Elections Dashboard. The application was prepared in cooperation with the International Republican Institute’s Beacon Project.
Space Security Program //PSSI/8 Sep 2021
PSSI’s Space Security Program Director Jana Robinson at the 2021 NATO JAPCC Conference
PSSI’s Managing Director and Space Security Program Director Jana Robinson contributed to the 2021 NATO Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC) Conference, entitled “Delivering NATO Air & Space Power at the Speed of Relevance” and held on 7-9 Sep, 2021 in Essen, Germany.
Security Scholars Program //PSSI/2 Sep 2021
CSA - Deadline Extension
The deadline for applications has been extended until September 14!
PSSI took part in a unique project, Authoritarian Shadows in the European Union, which measured the resilience of the European Parliament against influence-related activities of authoritarian powers. The resulting study presents several surprising findings, considering the vulnerability of the institution against outside influences and the overall attitudes of the MEPs towards issues like influence operations, disinformation, or common foreign policy.
Security Scholars Program //PSSI/1 Sep 2021
NATO Summer School 2021
This year the PSSI's NATO Summer School, entitled "Post-Covid Security Priorities", was held in August 2021. This unique educational course, focused on the most pressing issues the alliance is facing today, attracted around 30 participants from over 9 different countries. The diverse backgrounds and experiences of both the participants and lecturers made this an exceptional opportunity for future policy leaders.
PSSI Vás zve na sledování online streamu diskuze s experty a zástupci politických stran na téma společenské odolnosti vůči vnitřním a vnějším hrozbám v regionech V4, Východního partnerství a západního Balkánu s důrazem na český kontext. Diskuze proběhne 9. září od 13:00.
PSSI //PSSI/18 Aug 2021
PSSI's 2020 Annual Report is Now Available
The Prague Security Studies Institute has published its Annual Report for 2020. In the words of our Co-Founder and Chairman Roger Robinson, "our most prominent accomplishment over the past year has been the successful institutionalization of the use of U.S. capital markets sanctions against Chinese enterprises enabling egregious human rights and national security abuses."