
John Huth at the 6th PSSI Space Security Conference

PSSI has the pleasure to present Space Cafè Radio - PSSI Space Security Mini-Series, a radio series focused on allied preparedness to face the rapidly changing space domain. 


The 2022 NATO Summer School focused on the evolving dynamics of the Russian and Chinese threats. Participants had the chance to discuss a wide range of topics including economic and financial statecraft, space security, emerging threats, or cyber security.



PSSI ve polupráci s Containall pořádal 29. srpna 2022 debatu na téma: Energetická bezpečnost po Rusko-ukrajinské válce.

European Green Deal

The Prague Security Studies Institute, in cooperation with partners from International Republican Institute’s Beacon Project, is monitoring the public debate about the European Green Deal in the Czech online space. The monitoring covers political messaging about the Green Deal and its penetration of outlets such as news websites and Facebook groups

PSSI Perspective #21

Regional Security Program //Markéta Slavková, Tamara Grabovac, Anja Grabovac/22 Jul 2022

Read our Newest PSSI Perspective!

PSSI Perspectives #21: Dragan Bursać Discusses the Current Security Situation in the Western Balkans. An interview with a renowned Bosnian journalist and professor of philosophy from Banja Luka, who visited Prague this May and shared his views on the latest security issues in the region.

Bisera Turkovic Prague 2022

Recently, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bisera Turković visited Prague. As part of her visit on June 27, 2022, Ms. Turković also met a delegation of Czech non-governmental experts, including PSSI’s Regional Security Program Project Coordinator Dr. Markéta Slavková. 

CSA 2022

Would you like to expand your knowledge of cybersecurity issues? You can now apply to our Cyber Security Academy!

Are you interested in international and domestic security affairs? Would you like to become a well-equipped professional capable of understanding the complex national security problems and foreign policy issues of the 21st century? Apply now to the Robinson-Martin Security Scholars Academy (RMSSA) 2022/2023!

PSSI Perspective #20

Na mediální scéně střední a východní Evropy působí tzv. „šedá zóna“, která se snaží ovlivnit veřejný názor a předvolební politické kampaně prostřednictvím jednostranné, někdy až extremistické, politické komunikace. Tato komunikace je často jen zdánlivě nezávislá nebo anonymní, ve skutečnosti ale využívá prostředky konspiračních teorií a ignoruje standardy etického žurnalismu.

PSSI Perspective 19

As part of a project on ‘New Propaganda and Disinformation Challenges for Visegrad/EaP states in the Changing Environment’, Prague Security Studies Institute’s (PSSI) researchers monitored Sputnik’s section on ‘Demilitarization and Denazification of Ukraine’. The focus was specifically on articles reporting on the ‘Bucha Massacre’ in order to illustrate how Russian state-owned media report the atrocities committed by the Russian Federation’s army.