
Space Security Program //PSSI/23 Mar 2023
Apply Now For the William P. Clark Ph.D. Scholarship in Space Security
The Prague Security Studies Institute provides a unique opportunity in collaboration with Charles University for a student interested in researching space security and infrastructure.

Regional Security Program //The Beacon Project, PSSI/10 Mar 2023
Hostile Narrative Brief: War in Ukraine. A Year of Aggression

Regional Security Program //PSSI/8 Mar 2023
Book presentation: "Bosnian Studies: Perspectives from an Emerging Field"
On Monday, February 27, 2023 the PSSI Regional Security Program’s Western Balkans team Markéta Slavková, Anja and Tamara Grabovac attended the presentation of a newly issued book titled: "Bosnian Studies: Perspectives from an Emerging Field". The book was edited by Dženeta Karabegović and by Adna Karamehić-Oates.

Regional Security Program //PSSI/8 Mar 2023
Book presentation: Prof. dr. Boban Batrićević – “In the claws of the Jewish dragon: Antisemitic propaganda in Montenegro during World War II”
On Wednesday, March 1, 2023, the PSSI Regional Security Program’s Western Balkans team Markéta Slavková and Tamara Grabovac attended the book presentation of Prof. dr. Boban Batrićević, a prominent Montenegrin historian and an expert on the local political situation, working at the Faculty of Montenegrin Language and Literature in Cetinje. The event was organized by the Association for the citizens of the former Yugoslavia Lastavica and held at the association's gallery café in Prague, Czech Republic.

PSSI hledá stážistu pro svůj Security Scholars Program. Stážista by se měl zajímat o výzkum, vzdělávání, bezpečnostní politiku a diplomaci. Měl by být schopen pracovat na částečný úvazek (15 až 20 hodin týdně). Pozice je vykonávána v Praze a je vhodná pro studenty VŠ Bc. programů, Mgr. a Ph.D. programů a mladé profesionály.

PSSI //PSSI/28 Feb 2023
Tragic Loss at PSSI – Helena Kašperová

Space Security Program //PSSI/10 Feb 2023
PSSI’s Managing Director, Dr. Jana Robinson has been invited to be a member of the Task Force for Security

Regional Security Program //PSSI/9 Feb 2023
The European Green Deal and the Energy Crisis in the Czech Information Space: Stakeholders' perspective
PSSI monitored the Czech online debate about the European Green Deal, climate change, and energy-related issues from June to December 2022. Besides mapping the general online debate and related disinformation, part of our goal was also to explore how relevant stakeholders engage in strategic communication on the topic and possibly counter any circulating manipulative discourse. The monitoring was part of a larger initiative of the International Republican Institute’s (IRI) Beacon Project, European Green Deal: Mapping perceptions in Central and Eastern Europe, which took place in five EU countries simultaneously.

Regional Security Program //PSSI/7 Feb 2023
České prezidentské volby v online prostoru (2. kolo): Téma války na Ukrajině v předvolební debatě
Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) se v rámci projektu „České volby v éře dezinformací: Prezidentské volby 2023“ podíval na veřejnou debatu v online prostoru o prezidentských volbách a kandidátech mezi prvním kolem voleb, které se konalo 13. a 14. ledna, a druhým kolem voleb, které proběhlo 27. a 28. ledna. Zaměřili jsme se konkrétně na to, jak bylo v předvolební kampani a v následné veřejné diskusi v online prostoru využito a manipulováno téma války na Ukrajině.