
Upcoming Events


On June 15-17, 2025, the Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) will convene in Prague its 8th Prague Space Security Conference titled Space Security Economy and Capabilities: From Policies to Action.

Past Events


Prague Security Studies Institute uspořádal online diskusi pod názvem: "Jak může Česká republika reagovat na ruskou agresi vůči Ukrajině?" 

Pandora Papers

PSSI uspořádal online stream diskuze s experty na téma “Pandora Papers: novinářská praxe a integrita ve střetu s alternativními médii” s důrazem na český kontext.


Prague Security Studies Institute would like to invite you to a roundtable discussion organized in collaboration with MP-IDSA, and with the support of the Czech Ministry of Defence and the Indian Embassy in the Czech Republic. The main issues discussed will include: What are the implications of changing dynamics of major power rivalry for India and European countries? Can new emerging partnerships between the EU and India secure a peaceful Indo-Pacific despite the rise of Chinese ambitions in the region?

Dr. Xavier Pasco

Dr. Pasco, Director of the Foundation for Strategic Research, delivered an online guest lecture on December 13, 2021. The lecturer provided a perspective on the "European strategic culture", with a view on its foundations as well as its limitations and dilemmas, in the context of space.

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Mr. Stefano Iannitti, Head of the Security Department at European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), delivered an online guest lecture entitled “The Link Between Space and Security: The Role and the Experience of the EU Agency for the Space Programme” on December 6, 2021.