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Balkans event

PSSI organized a debate about the Czech EU Presidency, its goals and its approach towards the Western Balkans in light of the recent events in Ukraine.


The Prague Security Studies Institute organized a discussion with Roger W. Robinson Jr., PSSI Chairman and Co-Founder, entitled “The Economic and Financial Dimensions of Russia’s War Against Ukraine”. He reviewed economic and financial sanctions against Russia implemented to date, as well as those that could be brought to bear in the immediate period ahead.


Prague Security Studies Institute organized a public panel discussion concerning space partnership dynamic in the Indo-Pacific region and challenges for Europe stemming from economic & financial statecraft of Russia and China in the region (often involving lop-sided, non-market contractual and financing terms, disadvantaging the recipient country). It discussed where is Europe’s competitive advantage and offer some recommendations concerning how Europe and its regional partners (notably India, Japan and the U.S.) might collaborate more effectively among themselves to build a transparent and sustainable regional and global space economy.


Prague Security Studies Institute a Zastoupení Evropské komise v ČR uspořádali debatu s názvem „Zelená dohoda pro Evropu na české dezinformační scéně: současná situace a doporučení pro budoucnost.“


Prague Security Studies Institute uspořádal online diskusi pod názvem: "Jak může Česká republika reagovat na ruskou agresi vůči Ukrajině?"