
Upcoming Events


On June 15-17, 2025, the Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) will convene in Prague its 8th Prague Space Security Conference titled Space Security Economy and Capabilities: From Policies to Action.

Past Events

Conference: 20 years of Czech Experts in International Civilian Missions

V roce 2022 uplyne 20 let od zahájení vysílání českých expertů do civilních misí mezinárodních vládních organizací. K tomuto výročí se na Ministerstvu zahraničních věcí dne 1. 11. 2022 uskutečnila půldenní konference. Mezi řečníky byli civilní experti působící v misích EU na Ukrajině, v Iráku a Somálsku.


Dr. Vilém Semerák, Researcher at the Economics Institute of the Czech Academy of Science, delivered a guest lecture entitled “EU-China and US-China Trade Relations: Is there a Chance for Strategic Autonomy in the Age of Weaponization of Trade Dependencies?“ on October 26, 2022 at the American Centre. 


The Prague Security Studies Institute, together with Charles University, the US Embassy in Prague, and the American Center, organized a public panel discussion concerning the private sector's role in the new global space race. How should the cooperation between the public and private sectors be organized, and what regulations and support schemes are needed for a functioning relationship between them? These and other questions were discussed.


PSSI ve polupráci s Containall pořádá debatu na téma: Energetická bezpečnost po Rusko-ukrajinské válce.

PSSI Space Security Conference

On June 19—21, 2022, the Prague Security Studies Institute convened in Prague its 6th PSSI Space Security Conference. This year’s gathering was entitled “The Global Space Competition: Security, Markets and Sanctions.” The central goal of the conference was to illuminate the connectivity among global space commerce, deterrence/security-related considerations, and proper space governance.