Upcoming Events

Space Security Program // 15 Jun 2025, 09:00 CET
8th Prague Space Security Conference
On June 15-17, 2025, the Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) will convene in Prague its 8th Prague Space Security Conference titled Space Security Economy and Capabilities: From Policies to Action.
Past Events

Space Security Program // 27 Nov 2023
Second PSSI Roundtable on Indo-Pacific Space Security Partnerships
Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) organized the Second PSSI Roundtable on Space Security Partnerships, which focused on the Indo-Pacific region in the context of the new global space race.

Regional Security Program // 10 Nov 2023
The 7th International Balkan Studies Conference&. Balkan Express 2023: Between Orientalism and Occidentalism

Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) organizoval panelovou diskusi s názvem „(Zatím) jednotní: Co spojuje a rozděluje českou společnost“.

Prague Security Studies Institute hosted Nury Turkel's in-person guest lecture titled "Uyghur Genocide: Sanctioning PRC Forced Labour Practices", on October 18, 2023.

Robinson-Martin Security Scholars Academy (RMSSA) is a two-semester educational program that has, to date, trained over six hundred highly trained, young security professionals who are indispensable for safeguarding the hard-fought freedoms of the Czech Republic and made them valuable contributors to common security, economic and foreign policy structures like NATO, the EU and others.