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The 7th International Balkan Studies Conference “Balkan Express. aimed to rethink the Balkans through concepts of Orientalism and Occidentalism from the 19th century to the present.
The event took place on November 10-11, 2023, at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University.
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Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) organizoval panelovou diskusi s názvem „(Zatím) jednotní: Co spojuje a rozděluje českou společnost“.

Nury Turkel lecture (1)

Prague Security Studies Institute hosted Nury Turkel's in-person guest lecture titled "Uyghur Genocide: Sanctioning PRC Forced Labour Practices", on October 18, 2023.


Robinson-Martin Security Scholars Academy (RMSSA) is a two-semester educational program that has, to date, trained over six hundred highly trained, young security professionals who are indispensable for safeguarding the hard-fought freedoms of the Czech Republic and made them valuable contributors to common security, economic and foreign policy structures like NATO, the EU and others.