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Given the Biden administration’s expansion of capital market sanctions on June 3, to include investment bans on 59 Chinese enterprises, it is now time to decide where Europe will stand on leveraging the CCP's access to European exchanges to deter or penalize corporate human rights and national security abusers. Europe has yet to come to terms with officially -sanctioned and other Chinese corporate "bad actors" in its respective capital markets, but this will need  to change as the facts emerge publicly. 


V pátek, 21. května 2021, Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) pořádal veřejnou online debatu na téma “Důsledky Vrbětic - jak reagovat na stupňování hybridního působení”. Záznam debaty je k dispozici online.

Ajey Lele Photo

Dr. Ajey Lele, a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) in New Delhi, delivered a guest lecture entitled “India's Perspective on Space Security” for students attending “Space Security in the 21st Century” course, part of PSSI/Charles University’s Master’s Degree Program in International Security Studies and the interested public.

Space security illustration image

On Thursday, 22 April 2021, PSSI organized an online, closed roundtable entitled “Strategic Competition for International Space Partnerships and Key Principles for a Sustainable Global Space Economy”. 

Roger W. Robinson

PSSI’s Chairman and Co-Founder, Roger W. Robinson Jr., delivered on March 31st, 2021, an inaugural lecture in a series focused on strengthening Czech-US collaboration on promoting free market values. The lecture, entitled “Chinese Corporate “Bad Actors” in the US and European Capital Markets”, was organized with the support of the US Embassy in Prague.