PSSI Space Security Guest Lecture with Kenneth Hodgkins


30 Nov 2020, 17:00 CET


On Nov 30, 2020, PSSI will hold its next Space Security Guest Lecture, this time with Mr. Ken Hodgkins, former Director at the Department of State's Office for Space and Advanced Technology and US lead negotiator in the UN on several foundational international space guidelines. Given his four decades-long experience with bilateral and international discussions and negotiations on transparency, resiliency, and responsible use of outer space, he will provide a unique perspective on how a coalition of like-minded responsible space actors could be a positive force in the establishment of sustainable space governance framework.

The lecture will discuss the role of civil society in setting the agenda for space  security. In the 21st century, it is impossible to separate the commercial space  enterprises from security concerns. Investment community cannot exist in an  uncertain environment and requires a clearly defined area for business  opportunities. Mr. Hodgkins will explain how essential space systems ensure strategic stability and how commercial enterprises provide the means for forcing  greater stability in outer space.

For more information click here.